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Philosophy Essay不会写就找Philosophy Essay 代写,哲学essay代写,哲学作业代写,只需联系我们即可完成高质量的Philosophy Essay 代写服务!
The Objectivity is the Best Way to Know the Truth about Reality
Based on my understanding towards the objectivity and the argument between the science and the perspectivism, I hold the viewpoint that the objectivity is the best way for the human beings to interpret the truth about reality in the current time. Objectivity is a concept in the philosophical area that claims the existences and objects in the world are independent of the influence of the individuals’ subjective mind. Based on its definition, the objectivity can reflect on the current development of the modern science. Based on the process that the scientists use to form a scientific finding, which can conduct two perspectives that cause the fact that the objectivity is the best way to interpret the reality based on. That includes the rigorism when it comes to the identification of the truth and the logical process used in the proving of the truth under the idea of the objectivity. In contrast, the opposition of the objectivity is clearly the concept of the subjectivity, which describes the process of the human beings interpreting the world through the subjective factors such as their senses, perceptions, experiences, and so on. In the logic of the subjectivity, the interaction between human beings and the environment is viewed as the primary agent that forms the truth of the world, which is also the viewpoint of perspectivism.
Compared with the perspectivism, which emphasizes the subjectivity as the primary concept to interpret the world, the science is the methods that the researchers and academic scholars use to evaluate the objective world, which constructs the world based on the theory of the empiricism. Based on the perspective of the empiricism, the world is entirely objective, which means that the spiritual factors of individuals do not affect the world itself (299). The insufficient part of the subjectivity is that based on its definition, there is nothing material, whereby there is nothing immaterial (302). Therefore, the concept will not exist in the world, which is not an effective way to know the truth about reality. Overall, using the science that represents the objectivity, people can interpret the world with more effective and comprehensive methods.
Based on the interpretation of the science, the truth is formed with more comprehensive and precise processes compared with the perspectivism. According to the illustration of Rene Descartes, truth identification requires four specific processes (250). The first requirement of truth is that it just has enough proves and logic as his support (250). The process of proving the truth is the excluding to all the doubts. In contrast, the perspectivism emphasized the importance of the subjective intuitive, which means that the intuitive is taken into consideration during the process of interpreting the truth about reality. To form a more detailed illustration of the benefits of the science of objectivity in comparison with the perspectivism, there will be formed through two examples.
Climate change is one of the issues that draw attention from all over the world. Even though the weather does not affect much on human beings in the current time, climate change will still cause great damage to the human species. Even NASA has a specialized website to evoke the seriousness of the issues. Therefore, human beings do not know climate change through their subjective judgment. Instead, the people know the climate change through the scientific analysis on the objective change of the statics.
Also, the same logic can be found on the progress that human beings have towards the universe. From the earth-centered theory to the sun-centered theory, the cognition that people have towards the universe indeed change greatly with more advanced technology. With the advancing of the technology, the image of the universe is constantly changing.
Science is more practical than perspectivism when dealing with societal issues. From the perspective of the climate change, the scientists can provide countless proofs to prove that the climate change is happening and it will cause serious environmental issues while the perspectivism cannot conclude such result based only on the subjective of the individuals. Moreover, science also has the requirement of the examination of the solutions of the question. According to the article of Descartes, he considers the adequate solution as the important process of the truth-finding (250). Therefore, following the path of science, people can solve climate change gradually. However, if using the perspectivism to interpret the issue, the result is more possible to be influenced by the prejudice of people. The condition is the same as the perspectives of the interpretation of the universe. What is changing is not the universe itself. Instead, it is the mind of the people and their cognition towards the world that is changing. Therefore, it is also difficult to conduct a theory based on the perspectivism since the subjective mind of the people is constantly changing.
Works Cited
Katherine, Amber L. Greening Philosophy: A Fresh Introduction to the Field. Kendall Hunt, 2011. Print.

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