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管理学论文代写,专业高分代写平台,管理学essay写作指南 1.(a) Mintzberg claims ten management roles in his management theory. He believes that as an appropriate manager, one should be a figurehead, a leader, a liaison, a..

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发布时间:2020-12-13 热度:

Mintzberg claims ten management roles in his management theory. He believes that as an appropriate manager, one should be a figurehead, a leader, a liaison, a monitor, a disseminator, a spokesperson, an entrepreneur, a disturbance handler, a resource allocator and a negotiator(Mintzberg 97).
According to Mintzberg, the ten management roles are divided into three categories including interpersonal, informational and decisional ones(Mintzberg 98). At first, managers in the first category need to provide information and ideas(Mintzberg 102). As a figurehead, one manager is an authoritative example to inspire his employees and has responsibilities to help and lead them. A manager, as a leader, should guide his team with his leadership. A liaison should keep in touch with the interior and exterior of one organization. An effective communication network should be established in a company. 
In the next, the managerial role in the second category should process information(Mintzberg 124). A monitor, on the one hand, should monitor the entire environment to collect valuable data for his organization and industry. On the other hand, he also needs to supervise his team for the well-being and productivity of the employees. As a disseminator, a manager needs to pass the useful information precisely to his colleagues and the whole team. A spokesperson is a promoter to advertise his organization by transmitting helpful information to the people outside of his organization.
   At last, the third category asks for a manager’s ability to use information(Mintzberg 134). As an entrepreneur, one manager should obtain the capability to solve problems, create new ideas and implement them into his organization. A disturbance handler is a manager who must take charge of the whole organization when something unexpected and disputable happens. A resource allocator should organize and manage the resources in one organization. A negotiator should be equipped with negotiating ability to defend one's team, organization and company.
As managers in Shangri-la hotels, Craig and Ailsa carry several management-role identity during their management. On one side, Craig becomes a figurehead and sets an example to the personnel in the kitchen, as a star chef who shows himself frequently on TV programs. As a liaison, Craig maintains a pretty good relationship with Gordon Meldrum who organizes an organic-food farm and purchases agricultural products from Meldrum’s farm, which he claims as the secret of keeping success and reputation of Shangri-la hotels. What’s more, Craig is also a strict monitor who supervises their daily work via preparing for menus and assigning specific jobs for servers and kitchen staff.
On the other side, as the general manager in Shangri-la hotels, Ailsa is a leader who takes charge of the overall company operations. She is a spokesman and a negotiator for her hotel as well. Ailsa frequently pays a visit to huge corporations and advertises her hotels to offer excellent customer service standards. And she negotiates with customers and official partners to broaden her hotel business. In this way, she succeeds in advertizing Shangri-la hotels.

Rensis Likert establishes a four-fold model of a management system to explain the function of leadership. He divides his management system into four categories including exploitative authoritative, benevolent authoritative, consultative and participative(“Leadership Styles”).
In the first category, leaders hold the absolute authority to take responsibility for the whole organization and make decisions without negotiating with his subordinates. In an exploitative authoritative system, leaders don’t trust their subordinates, and the entire team lacks communication and teamwork. 
In the second category, leaders in the benevolent authoritative system share the same superiority and authority with those in the first category. However, in the second system, leaders fully trust and reward their subordinates. Subordinates will be awarded when they participate in active communications, but they can only express themselves to cater for what the leader wants to hear.
The consultative system is the next category. In the management system, leaders partially trust and constructively listen to their subordinates’ suggestions. Subordinates feel free to talk about job-related issues and will be motivated by rewards and a series of individuals’ involvement during the decision-making process("Leadership Styles"). Here communication and teamwork can find a position.
The last one is the participative system. In this system, leaders show absolute confidence and trust in his subordinates and encourage them to take an active part in the decision-making process("Leadership Styles"). The followers here enjoy full freedom to discuss any topic related to their job issues, and teamwork becomes smooth and frequent.
    Craig applies an exploitative authoritative management system to manage his subordinates. His working focus is mainly in the kitchen and the dining hall of Shangri-la hotels. He has a set of strict management principles and orders his subordinates to obey his principles meticulously. Saskia, one of his aides, feels sometimes depressed because Craig never listens to her advice about job-related issues. What’s worse, the working atmosphere in the kitchen is always tense, though the personnel can gain a quite good salary. When subordinates meet something tricky, they always ask Craig for solutions instead of finding solutions by themselves. All these details decide the managed system adopted by Craig is exploitative authoritative.
       Ailsa employs a participative management system to improve her team, which is hugely opposite Craig’s exploitative authoritative management system. Ailsa believes that excellent customer service is the key to attract business customers to choose their hotels. Thus, Ailsa with her team holds regular meetings every week. In the meetings, she encourages her subordinates to provide effective and feasible advice and ideas to improve their service skills. Her team has come up with numerous excellent ideas and put them into practice for decades. Therefore, it is easy to find that Ailsa advocates a participative management system.     
The Tannenbaum and Schmidt theory of leadership claims that leadership style is not changeless. The theory considers that the level of leadership authority is closely related to the degree of subordinate freedom. That is to say, leadership style ranges from manager-centered to subordinated-centered(“Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum of Leadership”). When the degree of authority used by the manager is higher, the area of freedom available to subordinates is narrower, or vice versa. What’s more, a variety of factors influences the chosen leadership style, such as one leader’s personality, subordinates’ qualities and some situational factors, including the urgency of leadership and decision-making.
The Bass theory of leadership can be called Bass’ transformational leadership theory as well(Clayton). The theory focuses on how leaders affect their subordinates who trust, admire and respect their leaders. Bass believes that there are three ways for one leader to transform his subordinates in order to enhance their motivation, moral and job performance. First, a leader should stress the importance and value of the task to his employees so as to arouse their awareness. In the next, a leader let the employees focus on the team or organizational interests instead of individual interests. Finally, a leader manages to activate the higher-order needs of his subordinates to encourage them to perform well in jobs.
On the one hand, Craig can utilize the Tannenbaum and Schmidt theory of leadership to balance his authority and his employees’ freedom. In other words, Craig should give more freedom of expression to his employees and make them the center, rather than make himself the center and build ultimate authority above his subordinates. 
On the other hand, Craig needs to learn to use the Bass theory of leadership to encourage his subordinates. He should change himself into an admirable, respectable and passionate leader. What he should do is to build confidence and passion for his employees other than establishing an entire superiority above his employees.
The first way to measure managerial performance is the residual income which means the amount of profit or surplus(“How to Measure Management Performance and Effectiveness”). To be specific, the sole aim for a company is profit maximization. So a manager must stress the significance of efficiency and put the pursuit of residual income in the top place. That is, if a manager can help his company to obtain the maximized benefits, his managerial performance is efficient. A capable manager can find ways to create profits in an efficient way. Thus, the amount of surplus is a criterion to judge a manager’s performance.
The second way to measure a manager’s performance is to measure his response speed to client feedbacks. There is no doubt that a manager can receive numerous feedbacks in his daily work. However, his attitude towards those feedbacks can be a measurement to his managerial performance. A manager can gather feedbacks via monitoring and controlling his employees and the whole operation, but it is far from adequate to the handling of those feedbacks. A manager should collect those feedbacks and response to them effectively. In this way, he can find out the insufficient in his work and deal with those problems effectively and efficiently.   

Works Cited
Clayton, Mike. “Bernard Bass: Transformational Leadership.” Management Pocketbooks. www.pocketbook.co.uk/blog/2016/05/24/bernard-bass-transformational-leadership/.  Accessed 18 Dec. 2018. 
“How to Measure Management Performance and Effectiveness.” iEduNote. www.iedunote.com/measure-management-effectiveness-performance. Accessed 18 Dec. 2018. 
“Leadership Styles.” MBA Caribbean Organization. www.mbacaribbean.org/index.php/leadership/leadership-styles. Accessed 18 Dec. 2018.
Mintzberg, Henry. Mintzberg on Management. Free Press, 2007.   
“Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum of Leadership.” Tutor 2u. www.tutor2u.net/business/reference/leadership-styles-tannenbaum-and-schmidt-continuum-of-leadership. Accessed 18 Dec. 2018. Accessed 18 Dec. 2018.





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