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发布时间:2020-12-11 热度:

Misconceptions that blocks learning
The film is about how science teachers identify and eliminate students' misconceptions (preconceived ideas) to improve their learning of accepted scientific theories. At the beginning of the film, the director interviewed Harvard graduates some simple scientific questions such as “Why is summer warm?” Most people can't answer this question accurately even though they have learned these theories in college. Some people can answer the right questions, but these graduates will expose that they do not fully understand when being asked more carefully. This is a common phenomenon, and the misconceptions will invisibly influence people's learning of scientific knowledge.

There are two main reasons for the emergence of the misconceptions. First, the initial impression of the first received information will form the memory schema in the brain. The other information input later is only integrated into the memory schema, and the subsequent information is assimilated into the memory structure formed by the first input information, so the following new report also has the attribute trace of the previous release. Another explanation is based on the principle of attention mechanism. The first information received is undisturbed and the data processed is excellent. The follow-up information is easy to be ignored, and the information processing is rough. Misconceptions do great harm to learning. Once a misconceptions is formed, it is difficult to remove it and what's more terrible is that it affects your acceptance of new things, especially the acceptance of scientific knowledge. In the process of learning scientific knowledge, someone may master the actual scientific knowledge, but he/she doesn't identify with the point of view in his/her heart because of the misconceptions. Students may grasp the knowledge and pass the exam, but they do not approve of what they wrote in the exam when you communicate them. As demonstrated in the film, a smart high school student described her answer to the question: "Why is summer warm?" She soon realized that the theory she had put together from elementary school science was wrong. However, even if she got the right information, she could not give up her previous ideas in her universe.
Several ways of eliminating misconceptions are given in the film. The key to getting students to remove misconceptions is to ensure that a correct framework is reconstructed for students' new knowledge. Through this method, students learn to visualize a set of concepts and their relationships. For example, the method used by the teacher in this film, the teacher made models of the sun, the earth, and the moon in the solar system for students to observe. Such a concrete model will deepen students' impression and make it easier for them to accept correct scientific ideas rather than preconceived ones. Another point is to strengthen learning and increase personal knowledge. Only a more full range of experience cannot be affected by misconceptions. Finally, when we are learning scientific knowledge, asking more questions can also help us avoid misconceptions. Only when we understand the basic principles of scientific knowledge learning can we avoid misconceptions caused by preconception.





教育论文代写,Education Essay代写
教育论文代写,Education Essay代写



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