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发布时间:2021-01-27 热度:

Read the East Side Eatery case presented on pages 158–159 of Recruitment and Selection in Canada. Drawing upon this case and supplemented by your own knowledge and research, write a memo to the management of East Side Eatery that answers the following questions or completes the required tasks.

1. Which job-analysis method would you use to determine the job requirements that East Side Eatery should use to recruit and select employees? Explain how you would implement this technique and the information you expect to gather. (200–400 words)

2. With specific reference to the East Side Eatery case, why did you select this method? What advantages and disadvantages does it have as compared with other techniques? (300–500 words)

3. What core, functional, and job-specific competencies would you expect to find in the wait staff at East Side Eatery? (200–400 words; you may use bulleted lists)
4. Recommend a wage-rate (or range of rates) that East Side Eatery should offer to its wait staff. Ensure you explain how you arrived at this recommendation. (200–400 words) In developing your recommendation, you may wish to consult the Alberta government’s Wage Info website at 
5. Write the text for a help-wanted advertisement for a server position. Ensure you draw upon the job analysis and competencies you completed above. Also ensure your advertisement builds an accurate expectation among job seekers about the nature of East Side Eatery and the server position. (200–400 words)
6. Develop a recruitment plan for servers in the East Side Eatery in your community. This plan must yield at an average of five (5) applicants each month over the course of a year. Provide an approximate budget for this recruiting plan as well as a timeline for implementation. (300–600 words).
Before You Begin
1. Use headings to make clear which parts of this assignment you are answering in each section of your memo. Ensure that your responses directly address all components of the questions that are asked.
2. Your answer must demonstrate knowledge of the course materials and be based upon or reference an authority.
3. Clearly reference any information that you quote directly or paraphrase, including material you find in the online study guide.

All quotations and sources of ideas should be identified by way of in-text citations and a reference list. You must also acknowledge information you paraphrase (i.e., information you glean from a source and put into your own words), including material from the study guide or other course materials.

Use APA style for citations of all sources outside this course website.

For citing material from this course website, the author of this course Assignment代写is Bob Barnetson and the year of publication is 2009. If you quote material from the course website, use the lesson number instead of a page number in your citation: (Barnetson, 2009, Lesson 5, Notes).





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