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留学澳洲, 代写论文 ,硕士essay,report。需要商科,economy, marketing, management, accounting, international business等商科类代写的亲可以加我... Critically analyse the future of the public sector in developing and man..

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发布时间:2021-01-19 热度:

留学澳洲,代写论文,硕士essay,report。需要商科,economy, marketing, management, accounting, international business等商科类代写的亲可以加我...

Critically analyse the future of the public sector in developing and managing tourism destinations with focus on Public Transport in the UK (in particular Birmingham's public transport problems, buses, congestion charge, railway).
Part 1: Introduction to the problem

The United Kingdom in the past century had experienced change in various aspects including social, economic, political and cultural dimensions. What were interesting in these changes were the displacements of public policies with each changing government. The early 1970s - characterized by post-industrial social norms - witnessed the restructuring of the public sector. Public departments had individual roles to serve in the society such as the leisure department which acted as the client as well as the direct service providers for tourists and communities. The premise had been to improve the quality of life, provide recreational services and increase employment level in the leisure industry (Simmonds 1994). For this purpose the central and local governments had been entrusted with the task of funding leisure operations that provided recreational and tourism services. By becoming a public sector domain, the leisure department had been limited by the provision of resources allocated by the government. This differentiated by the needs and requirements of different regions of the country. Leisure services thus had been limited to development of parks, grounds for sports activities, libraries and museums, and leisure centres. These projects had been costly and required subsidies from the central government which also asserted power pressure onto the local government. Moreover, the government also relied on personal taxation for funding these projects. Since the government planned, strategise and implemented community leisure projects, the private sector had no cause to intervene. The uncompetitive nature of the industry thus discouraged private sector participation.


However, this trend had given way to deregulation when the UK experienced economic collapsed during the late 1970s (Simmonds 1994). The collapse proliferated urban problems during the 1980s which greatly impacted the cost-incurring leisure and recreation department. The consensus had been to reduce public expenditures and adopt the free market ideology.

The free market ideology has been based on the principles underlying the neo-liberal model. During the 1980s, both, the Thatcher government in the UK and the Reagan government in the US adopted this model (Loughlin 1998). The neo-liberal view - or Thatcherism as commonly known - has been based on the concept of individualism. Thatcherism regarded the consumer as supreme force who paid for the services and goods provided by the market. Inequality among individuals or territories had been a natural phenomenon because not everyone had the resources to enjoy the benefits they wanted to consume. The government did not intervene but rather let the “invisible hand” govern the flow of goods and services. This policy helped dispel inefficiency and wastefulness that characterized the welfare ideology of the previous decades. To encourage the private sector to enter the public sector, the government introduced CCT (Compulsory Competitive Tendering) in 1989 (Simmonds 1994). The CCT introduced the contract culture in the public administrative departments. The contract culture involved a partnership between the public and the private sector whereby the private sector provided the services while the public formulated policies for governing the market. The leisure sector which had been enduring loss, delivering inferior services due to deficit funding and incurring notional cost to the local government, too adopted the contract culture (Loughlin 1998).

The free market ideology proved to be successful for a decade or so. New departments of arts, education, environment, trade and employment emerged with goals to promote leisure and tourism in the country. These policies divested power from the central and local government. The private and voluntary sectors on the other hand had been responsible for delivering best value services to the consumers despite tough competition. During the 1990s the limitations of the CCT were recognized and eliminated. Through it, the private sector set new standards and targeted continuous improvement for efficient performance. It also generated capital funding through private financial institutions for running projects (Simmonds 1994). The success of this model promoted private wealth creation. Morality deteriorated as community based activities gave way to individualism and the primacy of the consumers. The traditional sense of society disintegrated with the establishment of the private leisure and tourism industry (Loughlin 1998).




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