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发布时间:2020-12-17 热度:

    What country are you from?
I am from China.
What is one way you think your culture may have influenced how you experience life?
I think Chinese traditional core values, such as loyalty, fidelity, etiquette, wisdom, trust have deeply rooted in my heart and guide my behavior daily.
Are you the oldest in your family or youngest? (How many siblings, only child)?
I am the oldest in my family.

How do you think growing up as the oldest, youngest, middle, the only child may have impacted how you experience life?
Growing up as the old, I think I will be more responsible.
Where do you normally sit in your classes (front, back, sides, middle)
I normally sit back.
Why do you think you sit in that spot and what might it say about you as a student?
I guess it depends on my height and will. I am not gregarious sometimes can`t get along with my deskmate well.
What might where you choose to sit in class say about your personality?
The front makes me careful, the back makes me absent-minded.
Are you confident in your abilities to be successful in college?
yes,I am.
What aspects of your personality make you feel confident or unsure?
I am not sure.
If you get a bad grade on your first exam in a class, do you have confidence in your ability to adapt your study style in order to do better on the next exam? What steps would you take?
Generally speaking, I don`t. 1, I must overcome the first exam failure shadow; 2, I must work harder.
Describe your level of motivation in college and in your classes? What is the source of that motivation?
I am very motivated. It is from something inside my heart, an aspiration.
Look at the list of “characteristics of an A student” in the workbook (Just before page 21/Starting Strong). In which 5 areas do you do best?
In which 3 areas do you struggle the most?
Do you find most of your classes interesting, engaging, boring, pointless, fun, etc.?
It is up to my performance, They are changing sometimes.
What might your view of your classes say about your personality?
I do not care much.
How would you describe your ideal life at 30 years old?
That ought to be nice, as same as others
What are 2 of the short-term goals that you want to achieve this semester?
I wanna get A`s on all my courses and be good at PE
What will you do or change to make sure that you are able to achieve those 2 goals?
I will work hard and do more exercises
What is 1 of the long-term goals that you want to achieve while in college?
I guess I wanna make a friend.
What will you do or change to make sure that you are able to achieve that goal?
as a student, the best way to achieve that is study hard and keep myself healthy.
Are your goals primarily intrinsic (your own growth, personal development, achievements, satisfaction) or extrinsic (for the praise of or approval of family, social pressures, monetary award, social status)? Both of them are my goals.
What are 3 of your greatest strengths?
1, I like to study;2, I am good at chess and calligraphy.3, I am very diligent
How might those strengths help you achieve your goals in life?
They are the basic things to help me achieve my goals.
What are 2 of your greatest weaknesses or areas that you struggle most?
I need to get along with my deskmate and classmates as well as I can and improve myself.
How might those weaknesses impede your ability to achieve your goals in life?
They have the side effect and waste my studying time.
Do you believe that you can improve those areas that you reported as being weak so that they don’t become permanent obstacles to you maximizing your potential?
Yes, I believe I can
What is the one thing you would like to change most about yourself or your life at present?
I  `d like to change my single status most.
Do you believe in your ability to make changes in your life?
Yes I believe in
How do you deal with feelings of depression or sadness in life? What steps do you take to feel better and are those steps healthy?
I often chat with my pals and go swimming, and these steps are healthy.
How do you deal with feelings of anxiety in life? What steps do you take to feel better and are those steps healthy?
I talk to my pals and listen to music. Talking to my pals makes me feel better and it is healthy.
How do you handle stress in your life? What is your typical coping strategy?
I play my favorite games. I  go to play video games.
How would you describe your self-talk in general (positive, negative, helpful)?
It is positive and helpful.
Where do you think that self-talk comes from (parents, culture, siblings, being highly critical, accepting, patient, etc.)?
I think it is from accepting.
Would you say you have a high or low level of self-efficacy? Describe how your thoughts of self-efficacy (your belief in yourself) are showing up in your life this semester.
I `d say I have a high level of self-efficacy. I often make what I will do in a logical sequence and therefore do many things as soon as possible.
When something doesn’t go well in life (get a poor grade on an exam), do you more often take personal responsibility and attribute the poor grade to your own effort, study style, motivation, (make internal attributions) or do you blame situational issues like the class, teacher, or the unfairness of life (make external attributions). What might that say about your personality?
Describe the process of how you selected your major and what you like about it? If you don’t know your major, describe the process of how you are researching it?
I take both. I am introverted. First, my uncle advised me to choose to account, but I dislike it and change it into English and I like its courses and use.

What are some of the other majors you have considered?
I considered the computer.
What are some majors you know you would never want to do and why?
Advance Math, because I am not good at it。
Do you think your major fits your personality? How so?
Yes,it fits my personality. I have many choices and chances of using my major.
In addition to the values listed in the Eureka HW assignment, what would you say are your top core values in life (money, happiness, family, community, love, peace, power, creativity, art, travel, freedom, etc.)?
Perpetual health and life and keep myself happy and inner peace are my top core values. 




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