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人类学论文代写-高分essay代写指导_专业网课代修 Introduction, Background Paragraph, Body Paragraphs, Opposing View, Conclusion, Works Cited Writing the Introduction Keep your audience in mind: dont define terms the audience..

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发布时间:2020-12-13 热度:

Introduction, Background Paragraph, Body Paragraphs, Opposing View, Conclusion, Works Cited

Writing the Introduction

Keep your audience in mind:  don’t define terms the audience already knows.

Length:  6-7 sentences

Third person point of view Opening Sentence:  Begin with a sentence about your topic that catches the reader’s attention and it relates to the topic.  Do not define a term the audience knows. 

Avoid the following: meaningless platitudes (Studies show…); the dawn of man (Since the beginning of time…); Webster’s dictionary (Technology is changing our world….blah, blah, blah….); too broad: everyone is affected by technology….

Provide Some Background: Set the stage for the paper by including the answers to:  What? Who? Why? How? When? Where? You need to provide information that lays the groundwork for the thesis statement.  There should be a background paragraph that follows the introduction to further set the stage for your argument.

Issue Question:  Include the issue question that your essay takes a position on.

Thesis Statement:  This is the last sentence of your introduction. Your thesis statement is the [interpretation] you’ve come to about your topic and issue.  It is the answer to one issue question that your paper will answer by showing “how” and “why.”  Do not include reasons.


Background Paragraph
Background Paragraph:

Establish the importance of the topic.

1.7-10 sentences and third person point of view.
2.Use this paragraph to reinforce and provide information that will help establish the importance of the issue and the topic.
3.Do not include a list of reasons. Stay focused on one important point that will help to reinforce your own argument. This should have one source: visual: table/chart or verbal: block quote.
4.There is one source--a chart/table or a block quote of 4-6 lines that establishes the importance of why this topic and issue is important today. 
5.The table or chart is correctly formatted: MLA information is directly below the chart, single spaced and analysis follows which is flushed to the left margin.
6.The block quote is correctly formatted: introduced by a signal phrase that ends with a colon (:), then indented 1/2 inch from the left margin, 4-6 lines double spaced, punctuation at the end and then citation.

Body Paragraphs
Organize the reasons that support the thesis (M):  Least-to-Most Important

Third person point of view

Length:  7-8 sentences

Evidence:  1-2 sources per paragraph.  The quote or paraphrase should be 2-3 sentences.  A block quote:  4-6 sentences.  Only 1 block quote per paragraph. 

4-5 Reasons M= Transition + Reason.  Do not include any evidence in the topic sentence. 

Context Sentence:  Follow main point with 1-2 sentences that further explains the reasons and sets up for the evidence to prove and support the reason. 

Evidence:  Each of your reasons needs to be supported by relevant evidence.  You select the evidence that will best support your position.  Evidence must come from library research and reliable sources.  1-2 sources per paragraph. Each quote or paraphrase should be 2-3 sentences.

Citation:  At the end and not in the middle of the sentence.

Analysis:  After the evidence: example or quotation, explain how this proves and supports the reason.  DON’T SKIP THIS!  (1-2 sentences).

Last Sentence:  End with a sentence that bridges/transitions to the next reason/body paragraph.  (1 sentence).

Opposing View Paragraph

One opposing source per paragraph of 2-3 sentences.  This may be a quote or a paraphrase.  No block quotes.

Refutation of the opposing view.  Use evidence from your own argument:  2-3 sentences to prove why the opposing view is weak.

8-10 sentences.

Two different opposing paragraphs for the 8-10 page paper.

M:  Begin with an appropriate transition: on the other hand, there are some who oppose…)-.
Context: Explains further the topic sentence and leads to the evidence to support the opposing view.

E:  Introduce all evidence with a signal phrase, quotes:--up to 3 sentences, cite it, explain it—
*There is only one opposing source per paragraph. 

Transition: Use a transition that signals your refutation. 

Refutation:  Begin by showing how the source’s claim is not acceptable or weak.  Bring in evidence you used to support one of your reasons.  Keep this section to 3-4 sentences.
Key:  There should be an equal number of sentences for the opposing view and your refutation.

L:  End the paragraph with a Last sentence that sums up the purpose of this paragraph.

6-8 sentences

Main Purpose:
(1) Begin with an appropriate transition—Avoid “In conclusion,” or “To sum up.”  Then include your thesis statement. 

(2) Summarize each reason made in the paper—do not put the reasons in the same sentence, and

(3) Reaffirm the significance of your thesis or argument.
Introducing new points, new quotations, or new evidence.

Works Cited
Works Cited/Annotated Bibliography

1.  Arrange in alphabetical order: last name, first.
2.  Double space.
3.  First line is at the 1” margin and subsequent lines are indented .5 and double spaced.
4.  The annotated bibliography is a full 1 inch margin and summarizes briefly (2-3 sentences) the how and why the source helped you answer your issue question. Use present tense.
[8-15 sources]. Angell, Marcia. “Physician-Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal.” Euthanasia. Editor        
     Sylvia Engdahl, 2007, pp.78-84.
          An article describes that when a person, especially those who suffer from    
          chronic and debilitating diseases, realizes that his or her demise is inevitably,     
          the dying process can be a tormenting journey. As a physician, Marcia Angell
          agreed that physician-assisted suicide should be an option for terminally ill
Department of Health. “Electronic Health Records.”  Dept. of Health Services, 2016,
          This is a brief overview of the benefits of electronic health records.  This report   
          provides benefits not only to physicians but to families and those who need  
          medical information when traveling.




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