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唯一网址:www.mingxinwrite.com10年累计帮助留学生5W+,10年专注留学生学术辅导服务,以优良高效服务质量和专业客户服务模式,合理价格资费体系为留学生提供包括网课(online course)辅导、Essay/Assignment写作能力提升、修改润色、英汉互译以及常见的留学文书写作辅导服务机构。




1. Too informal

2. Too unsophisticated

3. Too vague

4. Too exaggerated

5. Too subjective

6. Generally unnecessary

7. Generally incorrect

第一类:Too informal



1. Isn’t, can’t, doesn’t, would’ve. The sample isn't....

Alternative(改为): The sample is not.....

2. The interviews were a bit difficult to schedule.

Alternative: The interviews were somewhat difficult to schedule

3. A lot of / a couple of studies

Alternative(改为): (Many/several/a great number of/eight) studies

4. The findings were kind of / sort of significant

Alternative: The findings were (somewhat significant/significant to some degree)

5. From 2008 till 2012

Alternative(改为): From 2008 (until/to) 2012

6. You, your (i.e. the second-person point of view)

You can clearly see the results

Alternative(改为): One can clearly see the results. Or, the results can clearly be seen

以上列举的只是部分非正式词,其它口语中常用的词也不是不够正式。为了避免其它非正式词的使用,可以多读学术性语言的文章,如雅思剑桥真题后面的范文或者国外英文论文。注意,平时我们听的speech, 电影美剧等的scripts不是学术性文字哦。


第二类:Too unsophisticated words

Some words should not be used because they do not have a scholarly feel. As utilising too many simple terms makes your writing feel elementary, substitute more sophisticated words when possible. It’s also better to replace phrasal verbs with their one-word alternatives

太过于简单的词不能使用,因为它们没有学术的feel。如果用太多这样的词,你的写作就感觉非常初级(就像是小学生写的), 应该尽量用一些比较复杂老练的词来代替(当然一定要用准确)。另外,英文作业写作中尽量用一个稍复杂的词来代替短语,这样学术feel更浓些。具体例子如下:

1. A bad result

Alternative(改为): A (poor/negative) result

2. A big sample

Alternative(改为): A (large/sizable) sample

3. This model gets attention

Alternative(改为): This model receives attention

4. This chapter gives an overview

Alternative: This chapter (provides/offers/presents) an overview

5. A good example

Alternative(改为): A (useful/prime) example

6. The below figure shows

Alternative: The below figure (illustrates/ demonstrates/ reveals)

第三类:Too vague

Using terms that are vague makes your writing imprecise and may cause people to interpret it in different ways. Avoid the below expressions and try to be as specific as possible.

原:People are concerned about their stuff.

改为: People are concerned about their (belongings, possessions, personal effects)

原:The report presents many things

改为:The report present many(details/findings/recommendations)

第四类:Too exaggerated

Academic writing is usually unadorned and direct. Some adverbs of frequency (such as always and never), superlatives (which are terms that indicate something is of the highest degree, such as the best), and intensifiers (which are words that create emphasis, such as very) are often too dramatic. They may also not be accurate – you’re making a significant claim when you say something is perfect or never happens.

These terms do sometimes add value, but try to use them sparingly.

原:Perfect, best, worst, most, always, never (or any other superlative) The perfect solution to the problem

改:(An ideal solution/one of the best solutions) to the problem

原:Very, extremely, really, too, so (or any other intensifier) This theory is extremely important

改:This theory is (important/critical/crucial)

第五类:Too subjective

Some words and phrases reveal your own opinion or bias. For instance, if you state that something will obviously happen, you are actually indicating that you think the occurrence is obvious – not stating a fact. Expressing your opinion is usually only appropriate in certain sections of a thesis (namely the preface, acknowledgements, discussion, and reflection), so take care when using words and phrases such as those below.

原: ugly, wonderful, horrible, good. The literature review included many good articles

改:The literature review included many articles

原:The participants naturally wanted to know

改:The participants wanted to know

原:The results obviously indicate

改:The results indicate

第六类:Generally unnecessary

You should strive to make your academic writing as concise as possible. Avoid adding words and phrases that do not create meaning, even if you think they give your writing a more refined feel.

原:This thesis has got four chapters

改:This thesis has four chapters

原:This chapter serves to explain

改:This chapter explains

第七类:Generally incorrect

It is not uncommon that words and phrases are used inappropriately, even by native speakers of a language. If you’re exposed to such mistakes often enough, you may start thinking they are correct – but it’s important that you don’t let them creep into your writing.

You should also bear in mind that some of these mistakes relate to things we all frequently mishear (for instance, we often think the speaker is saying would of instead of would have).

原:The students were literally dying to participate

改:The students were (dying/very eager) to participate

原: The study would of considered

改: The study would have considered


上一篇:personal statement高分代写开头方法



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