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如何写出吸引眼球的个人陈述personal statement_DueEssay论文代写

如何写出吸引眼球的个人陈述personal statement

说到出国留学就不能不提到留学文书的创作了,在文书三大件(简历、推荐信、个人陈述)当中,PS(个人陈述)因为其重要性及相对稍高的难度一直以来困扰着出国留学党。 申请材料..

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如何写出吸引眼球的个人陈述personal statement

发布时间:2020-05-21 热度:

说到出国留学就不能不提到留学文书的创作了,在“文书三大件”(简历、推荐信、个人陈述)当中,PS(个人陈述)因为其重要性及相对稍高的难度一直以来困扰着出国留学党。申请材料中的留学文书就像是一个替身,代替申请人在评委会面前展示一个更加全面的立体的自己,而个人陈述personal statement正是这些文书中最自由和个性化的一种,一份好的personal statement可以起到四两拨千斤的作用,通过对自己学术抱负、个人经历、目前成就、未来目标的生动描述可以对申请起到很大的帮助。

个人陈述personal statement

Personal Statement写作

  我们在personal statement写作的时候,应该力求新颖别致、不落俗套,可以想象一下,外国的教授到申请高峰期的时候会后收到世界各地申请者的文书和材料,面对着堆积如山的材料我们要不得不让自己的想法有个性地体现在文书上,从而让人有耐心地看下去。所谓personal,就是要求申请者写出自己的个人特色,一个独一无二的你。


今天,我们来分享来自native speaker的建议,如何写好一篇personal statement的十个“要做”。

  1.Write for your audience

  Your audience are course leaders,university admissions staff,and lecturers most likely between the age of 30 and 50.We're pretty on trend,but you may need to unpack a few things for us,especially when talking about your interests.This makes us happy.

  2.Plan and draft

  You wouldn't dive into an essay without taking a moment to reflect on your approach-it's the same with your personal statement.It's best to get a first draft written as soon as possible,so you have something to work with.Don't get it right the first time,get it written.

  3.Explain why you want to study your subject

  Are your course choices related to career aspirations?Or related to academic or work experience?Show you know what your subject will involve and how it relates to your interests.

  4.Talk about your interests

  Your interests say a lot about you and can often be associated with your chosen subject.Use them to show that you are suitable for the course.

  5.Say what you can offer to the course and your future classmates

  What will you bring to the table?Is it a wider understanding of your subject,relevant outside interests,or empathy with others?Demonstrate your unique qualities with examples and express how they can benefit others on the course.

  6.Evidence your points

  You wouldn't make a statement in an essay without backing it up-it's the same for a personal statement.Anything you say should be supported with examples,this also helps the reader build a more accurate picture of you.

  7.Listen to your teachers

  Your teachers have seen hundreds of personal statements over the years.They are the best people to tell you what works.

  8.Break it up

  500 words isn't very much,but can look rather inaccessible in one A4 chunk.Use 4-5 paragraphs to discuss different themes and make your work easier on the eye.

  9.Write in short sentences and plain English

  Avoid long and complicated sentences.Your reader will have a lot of statements to get through and will only spend about five minutes on yours.Being clear and concise wins you favour.

  10.Remember that your personal statement is the only thing that separates you from others with the same grades

  Use your personal statement to sell yourself.Talk about the story outside the grades.What drives you?What sets you apart from everyone else?

个人陈述的结尾其实也是挺重要的,千万不要觉得结尾就是对之前写的东西的总结,所以在尾段千万不要出现to sum up之类的短语,不然就会使你的文章覆盖上一层浓浓的高考作文气息。








