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范例一:Canada in my eyes
Abstract: Canada, one of the most beautiful modern nations in the world, contains a mountain called Rocky Mountain. It is also a famous nation because they build up an universal institution system and attract many people around the world. Citizens of Canada pride on their national team of hockey because they are the best and have won the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.
Key words: Canada, location, natural resources, language, city, culture, history
First Introduction
Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area. Canada's common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world.
The land occupied by Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of Aboriginal people. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored, and later settled, along the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years' War. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces. This began an accretion of provinces and territories and a process of increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom. This widening autonomy was highlighted by the Statute of Westminster of 1931 and culminated in the Canada Act of 1982, which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament.
A federation consisting of ten provinces and three territories, Canada is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. It is a bilingual nation with both English and French as official languages at the federal level. One of the world's highly developed countries, Canada has a diversified economy that is reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade—particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a long and complex relationship. It is a member of the G8, G-20, NATO, OECD, WTO, Commonwealth, Francophonie, OAS, APEC, and UN.
Second, the location Canada is located in the northern half of North America. Land area of 9,970,610 square kilometers, is the largest area of the Western Hemisphere, the world's second largest country in area. The area is slightly larger than China, equivalent to 40 times the United Kingdom, France, 18 times. Spear Newfoundland the most easterly angle of about 5 ° W, the westernmost of the Yukon border around the 141 ° west longitude from east to west 5514 km. Middlebury southernmost island in Lake Erie about 41 ° north latitude, the northernmost island of the Colombian Pierre Els called in about 83 ° north latitude, from north to south is 4634 km.Canada is surrounded by the sea, east Atlantic, west Pacific, north of the Arctic Ocean and the Arctic Circle. Mainland and coastal islands coastline of 20,000 km northeast across Baffin Bay and Greenland Sea. Northwest and Alaska border, south United States. International boundary between Canada and the U.S. up to 8892 km, can be said that the world's longest undefended border.Third, natural resources Canada has abundant water resources, national rivers, lakes. Water coverage to 78 million square kilometers, accounting for 7.6% of the area of Canada is the world's one of the largest lakes, Great Lakes, except Lake Michigan, all outside the United States, the other four lakes - Lake Superior, Hugh Lun Lake Erie and Lake Ontario in Canada and the United States total. Great Lakes is the world's largest freshwater lake group, with a total area of 25 square kilometers, of which 36% of the territory in Canada. The total storage capacity of a quarter of the world's fresh water.Fourth, the language and City Canada is a bilingual country, the official language is English and French, but many Canadians language is not English or French, but Italian, Chinese, German, Portuguese, Polish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Greek, and so on. Canada's capital Ottawa, the national political, economic, cultural and transportation center, located in southeastern Canada. Three Canadian cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.Fifth, ethnic and religious Canada is a country of immigrants, the history of immigration has been a key factor in population growth in Canada. According to statistics, every six Canadians will have a native-born than in Canada. Immigration has played in Canada's economic situation as well as periodic direct or indirect influence. Each period of economic prosperity with a large number of immigrants to Canada are basically the same. Canada regardless of how their own economic situation, due to objective reasons, always accept from around the world refugees. Therefore, the ethnic composition of Canada's very complex, there are more than 70 nationalities, can be said to include the world's major nations. Canada is a country of religious freedom, the country most people to Catholicism or Christianity, other religions into the small letters. Which accounted for 47% Catholic, 41% Christianity, others were believed Orthodox, Jewish, Mormon and Buddhist, non-religious people of the total population of 7.4%.
Progress in Anaerobic Technology for Urban Sewage Treatment
Localisation and Internationalisation:Dealing With the Difficulties
Internationalisation (i18n) and Localisation(l10n) are intricately linked processes. A lot ofattention has been paid by l10n serviceproviders to their internal processes, and someof their larger customers have worked hard ontheir own internal processes. A similar amount ofattention has been paid to low level issues of enablingsoftware to support various character encodings bydevelopers. However, in my experience, neither ofthese advances addresses the needs of most companiesthat are attempting to deliver international productsfor the first time, companies that may not havethe necessary time, resources, or experience to developstable processes.For these companies, the working assumption isthat creating and delivering international productsare possible, and should not be difficult. After all,many other companies have obviously done it, theyreason. It is hard to argue with this kind of logic, yettime after time it is a struggle for companies to "gointernational" and integrate best practices into theirexisting processes.
The hidden areas
In this article, I will discuss one of the hiddenareas where i18n and l10n processes and techniquesoverlap and cause trouble. While there are otherissues I don`t address here, understanding theseissues and applying the results will go a long waytowards making sure your international efforts areas effective as possible.Most important in the success of any localisationeffort is a thorough understanding of the state of internationalisationof the product and project. I18n andl10n are tightly linked and tasks involved in each ofthese are often performed by separate groups (see thearticle at www.ukassignment.org for a brief explanation of the differences ofi18n and l10n).The two parts of the project, i18n and l10noften are separated. They may be done by differentteams, even in very widely separated partsof a compan`s org chart. For example, i18n maybe part of Product Development while localisationmay be part of Operations. It is common forSales to be the group driving and sometimes evenowning both parts, even though they are far fromthe more traditional charter of a Sales team.Marketing groups may be on their own when itcomes to localising outward facing websites.Who actually performs the work? The peopleinvolved in i18n and l10n may be doing so as outsourcersor part of the main company, or a combination of both, and anyone could be located anyplace in the world. These issues introduce a severecommunication problem that needs to be managedcarefully.
Measures of success
There is an old saying - "You can`t managewhat you can`t measure", and an enormous partof the techniques and management is without metricsat all. I propose at least two places where metricswould make processes work much smoother.Space doesn`t allow me to propose specific metricshere, but I hope to encourage everyone to considerthese issues carefully.The consensus definition of i18n is usually alongthe lines of "prepare a generic, locale neutral productthat is ready for l10n".This generic definition is crafted to ignore the vastdifferences in coding styles, systems, and tools usedto create a product that needs localisation.
Coherence and cohesiveness
What does it mean for products to be internationalised?How can we describe the level of i18nin a way that we can track it over time, and eventuallycorrelate it to some sort of metrics of thesubsequent l10n efforts?The vast majority of software products consist ofa number of components that interact with eachother. Depending on the skill of the software architects,these components may be nicely layered. Thetechnical terms for this are coherence and cohesiveness,terms that refer to how well the blocks fittogether, yet stand independently.
Architecture and i18n
Many software engineers and managers, withouta formal training in computer science, tend to beunaware of these concepts. Yet, their importance toQA, maintenance, and new feature additions is wellknown in academic circles.Certain aspects of these features are important ini18n work. Let`s use a semi-fictional example of softwareand examine its architecture with respect tointernationalisation issues.What I call a software module may range in sizefrom a few lines of code to complex subsystems. Theimportant aspect for our purpose is that a modulealways accepts input from another module, transformsthe input to some output format, and thenpasses the output either back to the first module orto a different third module. 加拿大留学论文代写