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高分代写essay范文_The Entrance Essay

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高分代写essay范文_The Entrance Essay

发布时间:2021-07-20 热度:

英国、澳洲、美国留学生essay report dissertation论文报告个性化指导定制,论文查重校对,轻松拿高分读名校,顺利毕业进名企。提供essay代写、代写essay、英文essay服务

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 --The Entrance Essay,文章讲述 我坚信,生命的意义不在于一个人能活的时间的长短,也不在于一个人能获得的物质的丰富,而在于生命本身的丰富和奇妙。随着我的成长,我生命中的许多事情都发生了变化。但有一件事是始终如一的,那就是,我会一直坚持下去。去做我爱做的事,希望我的努力对别人的生活有价值,我认为这是实现我生命价值的唯一途径。


所以在2011年秋天,我进入了格林河学院,重点学习心理学和交际。在我的努力下,我于2013年春季以3.57 GPA的成绩毕业。在我的大学生活中,我获得了许多奖项,这些奖项丰富了我放学后的大学生活。Iwas邀请加入phi theta kappa,2012年,该组织仅以3.5或更高的平均成绩录取学生。2012年秋季,作为活动负责人,我获得了杰出贡献奖。此外,我在2013年获得了格林河学院的学术奖学金和领导力认可奖学金,这是对我的学术和领导力的认可。

I firmly believe that the meaning of life lies not in the length of time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but in the richness and wonderfulness of life itself.As I grow up, many things in my life have changed.But one thing remains consistent, and that is, I will stick to do what I love and hope that my efforts will be of value to the lives of others.I see it as the only way to realize the value of my life.

My fate with psychology begansince my adolescent life in Hong Kong. I lived with my family and my uncle during that time.I was on tenterhooks at home because my uncle's aggressive behavior. Since the accident in America, my uncle has serious psychological trauma. He kept punching and kicking the walls, doors and furniture at our home. I hated to see him livedso unhappily and kept away from people. I made up my mind to learn psychology to offer help to people like my uncle.

So in the fall of 2011, I enrolled at the Green River College with emphasizing in psychology and communication. With my efforts, I graduated with 3.57 GPA in the spring of 2013.In my college life, I got many awardswhich enriched my college life after school. Iwas invited to join Phi Theta Kappa which only invitesstudents with a 3.5 or better GPA in 2012. In the fall of 2012, I was rewarded with a prize foroutstanding contributions as event leader. Also, I got academic scholarshipand leadership recognition scholarship in Green River College in 2013 which are recognitions for my academic and leadership.

I believe that there is no end to learning. So Iapplied for admission to Northwestern University to further study psychology. And Igraduated from Northwestern University with 3.19 GPA and was on Dean’s List which is awarded to full-time students who earned high scholarship of GPA placed among the top undergraduates at Northwestern University.

Through my professional and disciplinary knowledge,I have observed the development model of normal children. At the same time, I have focus on the pathological research of abnormal children. In the broad field of developmental psychopathology, there are two research areas: one is the study of maladjustment to child development, and the other is the study of normal developmental patterns of children. It is tried to perfect the research of children's mental illness through the complementation of both sides. Most psychological diseases are caused by multiple factors. In order to explore the pathological origin, we need to study both the maladaptation of children and the adaptation of children. Mental illness occurs in developing organisms and often develops and changes during childhood and adolescence. Based on the understandingsI listed above, I am particularly interested in the developmental aspects of developmental psychopathology in children, such as the larger socio-cultural context, including cultural values and norms.I put my attention on the development of various children and adolescent groups, especially for normative children and children at risk for maladjustment which probably has something to do with my growth experiences and is the reason why I select Professor Zhou.I was born in Hong Kong, and moved to Japan at the age of six for my father’s career.I returned to Hong Kong in 2008 and began my study in Canadian International School in Hong Kong. The diversified and strange environment made me at a loss. But as a child, I quickly integrated into the environment. I believe that my special experience will be helpful for my future study and research in the field of developmental psychopathology.




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