

mingxinwrite为美国,英国,加拿大,澳洲等地区中国留学生提供 Essay代写 服务,我们有硕博精英团队熟知各类Essay格式,以合理的E ssay代写 价格为客户提供周到安全的写作服务 Book* Analytical Ess..

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Book* Analytical Essay* Business Reports* Critical Essays* Creative Essays* Cause and Effect Essays* Descriptive Essays* Division and Classification Essays* Deductive Essays* Expository Essays* Literature Reviews* Lab Reports* Proposal Essays* Persuasive Essays* Philosophy Essays* Review Essays* Response or Reaction Essays* Technical Reports

Essay Types
Professors want students to make different term papers, essays, research papers and book reports. We wrote a description on each type of essay that professors can assign.  can assist you with any type of research work. Our professional writers have years of experience in this field and they can help you with any written work!

* 5-Paragraph Essays
* Argumentative Essays*

Analysis of Book* Analytical Essay*

Business Reports* Critical Essays*

Creative Essays
* Cause and Effect Essays
* Descriptive Essays* Division and Classification Essays
* Deductive Essays
* Expository Essays* Literature Reviews* Lab Reports
* Proposal Essays
* Persuasive Essays* Philosophy Essays* Review Essays* Response or Reaction Essays* Technical ReportsFive-Paragraph Essays
Most essays are written in the five-paragraph style with an introduction, three paragraphs for the body, and the conclusion. The introduction discusses the thesis of the essay with three main points mentioned. A good five-paragraph essay will have a hook to capture the reader. The topic sentences of the body mention each of the three main points. The final paragraph will be the conclusion and will summarize the essay with the thesis.

Argumentative Essays
In this type of essay, person should show his opinion on the problem, take into consideration all sides of the problem and make a conclusion. An argument is a discussion of a topic that is very important to the person who takes part in conversation. First of all an argumentative essay should be well reasoned because it is the main thing in this type of written work and also well structured and supported. The second part of an argument is opposition. This means understanding both sides of the problem. A person should compare both sides and give evidence as to the side the writer takes. An argumentative essay usually begins with the description of ideas of a person. The next stage is analysing the literature about the problem. And the last step is to show how the person’s assertion is better than the other side.

Analysis of Book
You should begin with writing a summary of the topic or a book. You should illuminate your feelnigs toward what you have read and make an analys of your ideas. Do you agree with the book`s author? What emotions do you feel when read this book? Do you agree with the author on the topic? Often an analysis will focus on the characters, plots, or themes of the book. The steps of an analysis begin with the reading, the feelings of the reader, and then give a rational appeal, emotional appeal, or ethical appeal.
Business Reports
Business reports are often written similar to research papers but they have more a focus on the business world often focusing on a specific company. Many business reports are actually an analysis of a company. Many business reports use SWOT Analysis. The strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to a company are discussed in the report. These reports should have sources with citations in the body of the report. A thesis is a vital part of the report.

Critical Essays
When a person says “critical” a person often thinks it has a negative meaning but this does not necessary hold true for a critical essay. A critical essay examines a topic, book, or article. It begins with a summary of the author’s point of view. An evaluation of the work is next which includes the facts and then an evaluation of the work should be done. It is important to state your position but also to consider other positions that m




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