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留学生需要写多种类型的Coursework, 理解什么是Coursework以及如何写Coursework至关重要! 首先我们来了解一下什么是Coursework? Coursework(课程作业)需要学生对特定主题进行详细研究, 从中导师可以判断出学生对课程的了解和理解程度. 不同学科的Coursework结构, 格式都不大相同; 我们先来认识下写课程作业的一些写作技巧.



1) Choose a topic that tell the goals of your subject clearly and set the goal for your coursework. 选择一个明确清晰的topic, 并为你的课程设定目标.
2) Take advice from expects, especially from your mentor about the choice of the coursework and the objective you want to achieve the essay. 征求专业人士的意见, 特别是导师的意见, 以选择课程以及你希望通过该作业实现的目标.
3) Plan for the coursework essay structure. 制定课程作业结构计划.
4) Choose your research method relevant to your topic or nature of work. 选择与您的topic或工作性质相关的研究方法.
5) Collect all the essential tools you will need for the research. 收集研究所需的所有基本工具.
6) Perform in-depth research about the topic and make notes. 对主题进入深入研究并做笔记.
7) Create an outline for a coursework essay. 为课程作业创建大纲.
8) Create a draft. 创建草稿.
9) Write the final essay or improve the draft to be the final essay. 完成最终论文或将草稿完善.
10) Before submitting your work, make sure it is not plagiarized. 提交作业之前, 请进行抄袭率检查, 确保在安全范围内.
11) Re check citations and reference page. 重新检查引文和参考页面.
12) Proofread and edit your work and check all date included in the essay. 校对和编辑您的论文, 并检查论文中包含的所有数据.

一篇出色的论文开始于一个好的Topic, 以下是一些选择Coursework主题的技巧:

– Do brainstorming on different topics and choose the most appropriate one for you. 在不同的主题上进行头脑风暴, 然后选择最合适的主题.
– Choose a topic that has your personal interest. 选择一个你感兴趣的主题.
– Define the field of research and narrow down in to a specific topic. 定义研究领域并将其缩小到特定主题.
– Ask your mentor for the choice of topic, he/she might help you to narrow the topic further. 向您的导师询问主题选择, 他/她可能会帮助你进一步缩小主题范围.
– Ensure the topic is narrow, clear and straightforward. 确保主题狭窄, 清晰, 直接.

Coursework写作: 规划

– Manage your time well and assign each task proper time. 妥善管理时间, 并为每个任务分配适当的时间.
– Consider the structure of the coursework essay. 考虑课程作业的结构列出研究问题, 这将对您的研究有所帮助.
– Define the scope of your work. 定义工作范围.
– Familiarize yourself with resources that are required to accomplish the work. 熟悉完成工作所需的资源.
– Find out where you can find reliable information for your research. 找出在哪里可以找到可靠的研究信息.


如果你没有课程作业的相关学术知识, 感觉自己写不好Coursework, 那么唯一网址:www.mingxinwrite.com美国靠谱的Cousework代写可以为您提供最优质的代写服务! 您可以自助在我们的网站注册并下订单, 轻松获得论文帮助. 您只需填写论文详细信息, 我们团队的美国母语导师将全力以赴为您进行写作! 我们的课程作业写作导师是业内最优秀的, 帮助过不少留学生获得高分成绩; 既然要选择代写机构, 那一定要选择最好的! 唯一网址:www.mingxinwrite.com帮助您实现学术上的卓越成就!
