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Law Essay_法学论文代写案例_法律Assignment代写



 知识产权法是确认、保护和利用著作权、工业产权以及其他智力成果专有权 利的一种法律制度。知识产权法作为法律制度的一种,它当然会对社会产生一定的作用:首先是鼓励和保护智力创造活动的作用。


Law Essay,法学论文代写,法律Assignment代写
法学论文代写案例选节Elements of Patent Law
Before determining the way in which the courts deal with the issues surrounding obviousness and novelty, it is first important to gain an understanding of what must be established in order to establish a valid patent, successfully.
The basic definition of what is patentable is contained in Section 1(1) of the Patent Act 1977 (the "Act"). This Act states that in order to be patentable the invention must be new, must involve an inventive step and be capable of industrial application. The Act then goes on to consider each of these requirements, in more detail.
Section 2 deals with the requirement that the invention is new. This requirement is commonly referred to as the "novelty" requirement. Section 2(1) states that for an invention to be novel or new it must not form "part of the state of the art". Section 2(2) goes on to consider what "state of the art" actually encompasses. It defines state of the art as any matter (i.e. product, process, etc. ) that has previously been made available to the public by either a written or oral description. Simply put, if the invention has already been made available to the public, it is not going to be eligible for patent protection.
When determining whether or not an invention is new or novel, the issue of whether or not it has been made available to the public will become central. The invention, in order to be considered in the public domain, must have been disclosed to at least one member of the public, who could if he wished use the information freely and the disclosure had to be sufficiently enabling. Sufficiently enabling means that the information contained must be such that someone who has a reasonable level of skill in the area to which the invention relates would be able to implement and make use of the disclosure. The disclosure must be in relation to one document (or one document with several others interlinked) and cannot simply be disclosure obtained from a "mosaic" of documents.
There are exceptions to this rule in relation to disclosure that allow a patent still to be established where the disclosure has been made within six months of the patent application and has been done in confidence.
Pulling these factors together, it is clear that the need for novelty insists on the patent being completely new and innovative. Although, based on the mosaic rule, the collection of previous documents and information to create a new invention will not be barred from receiving patent protection.

